NDCEL Membership for 2024-2025
NDCEL - the "umbrella" of the organization. NDCEL serves and is the combination of all specialized affiliate groups seen below this section.
Active: Open to educational leaders and REA Directors who are eligible to be members of the affiliate associations. This category receives all membership benefits including legal services and the right to vote or hold office. Membership Dues: $520*
Associate: Open to staff members of North Dakota state agencies, colleges/universities, REA employees and others who are not otherwise eligible for active membership. This category receives all membership benefits except for legal services and the right to vote or hold office.
Membership Dues: $225
Student: Open to students enrolled in graduate programs in North Dakota colleges/universities preparing for careers in educational administration and are not currently performing administrative duties or otherwise qualified to be active members. This category receives all membership benefits except for legal services and the right to vote or hold office.
Membership Dues: $20
Intern: Open to persons performing administrative duties while in an intern program or completing administrative licensure. This category receives all membership benefits except for legal services and the right to vote or hold office.
Membership Dues: $20
Aspiring Administrator: Open to educators interested in entering the educational leadership profession and/or educators performing administrative duties while completing administrative licensure. This category receives all membership benefits except for legal services and the right to vote or hold office.
Membership Dues: $20
Retired: Open to previous members of NDCEL who are no longer working as an administrator in education. This category receives all membership benefits except for legal services and the right to vote or hold office.
Membership Dues: $50
Note: Associate, Students, Interns, Aspiring Administrators may join as an active member and receive all rights.
*School Superintendents, Secondary Principals and School Business Officials have unified dues and must join both the NDCEL and their affiliated organization.
Affiliate Descriptions and Membership Dues
Members are able to be a part of a group that fits well with their job description. Many of these affiliates have special conferences and will be grouped into communication pathways to have specialized support.
NDASA (Superintendents): All persons who are engaged in educational administrative positions in North Dakota. Note: NDASA has unified dues with NDCEL and superintendents must join both associations.
Membership Dues: $100* (assoc./retired $50)
NDASSP (Secondary School Principals): Open to any person who is a certified administrator and acts in an executive capacity in any secondary school. Note: NDASSP has unified dues with NDCEL and secondary principals must join both associations.
Membership Dues: $100* (retired $50)
NDAESP/NAESP (Elementary School Principals): Elementary Principals and Middle Level Principals engaged in administration and supervision of elementary and middle schools, and those in professional education of elementary and middle school personnel. Note: NDAESP and NAESP have unified dues so Elementary Principals must join both associations with the price of both reflected below.
Membership Dues: Full/Active Principal - $384 , Assistant Principal - $344, Aspiring Principal - $109, Retired - $109
NDIAAA (Athletic Administrators): Membership is available to an individual who has responsibility for directing, coordinating, or supervising the interscholastic athletic program in a North Dakota accredited school.
Membership Dues: $125 (retired $45) NDIAAA Only Membership
NDATL (Technology Leaders): All persons who are engaged in educational technology leadership and support in North Dakota.
Membership Dues: $75 NDATL Only Membership
NDREAL (Regional Education Leaders): Open to any member of the North Dakota Regional Education Association whose major responsibility is the administration and supervision of Regional Education Association programs and goals.
Membership Dues: $30
NDCTEA (Career/Tech Administrators): Open to any member of North Dakota Association for Career and Technical Education whose major responsibility is the administration and supervision of career & technical education in any public school system, high school or career center, area career & technical school, career tech department heads in a college or university, or state entity.
Membership Dues: $50
NDACS (County Superintendents): All county superintendents within the state of North Dakota.
Membership Dues: $50
NDSESC (Special Education Directors)
NDASBO (School Business Officials) Note: NDASBO has unified dues with NDCEL so business officials must join both associations.
Membership Dues: $10
*School Superintendents, Secondary Principals and School Business Officials have unified dues and must join both the NDCEL and their affiliated organization.
NDCEL Scores a "10" on Membership Benefits
Legal Assistance:
The NDCEL stands ready to assist its members with professional and personal legal difficulties. A great many individuals have contacted and received help from NDCEL. Our aim is to assist school administrators and school boards in the maintenance or positive relationships with administrators. This is a very delicate task, however, the NDCEL has provided help to a great many of its members.
The NDCEL presents several conference for the professional growth of its members. The Fall Conference, held annually in October, allows for all of the members to grow and interact. This conference is planned by school administrators in North Dakota. The NDCEL also is active in active in setting up agendas for other state meetings sponsored by the various associations such as the summer and winter conferences of the NDASA, NDASSP, and NDAESP.
An important function of the NDCEL is to serve as a legislative representative for the school administrators of North Dakota. Legislative positions are developed and the executive director is very involved in lobbying efforts during the Legislative Session and during Interim. The Legislative Beacon is published weekly during the session to keep members informed about the events on Capitol Hill.
The NDCEL publishes a newsletter nine times yearly from September through May. The NDCEL also assists in the publishing and distribution of various research papers of special interest to all of its members. Go here to see an issue of the NDCEL newsletter, the Leaders Compass.
State Level Liaison:
The NDCEL represents the membership position and philosophy on educational issues with constituencies such as the U.S. Congressional delegation, the North Dakota Legislature, the Governor, the Department of Public Instruction, the NDEA, the NDSBA, the NDPTA, and others.
Coalition for Education:
The NDCEL is active in promoting positive relationships between and among other educational organizations and itself. The public Education Funding Coalition is an example of work in this area. The members of the Coalition meet regularly to identify positions which can be supported by all elements within the educational community.
Special Discounts:
The NDCEL has requested special rates for hotels in the state and members are eligible to receive discounts when meetings are attended for business purposes.
Consultant/Research Services:
The NDCEL is willing to provide members with services relating to daily problems confronting school administrators. When answers to questions are not readily available, we will research the problem and seek available sources for information and solutions.
Peer Contact:
One of the most valuable NDCEL membership benefits is the chance to get together with other school administrators in North Dakota. Through state and regional meetings, fall and summer conferences, and other seminars, members have the opportunity to discuss common problems and share information and ideas with others facing similar challenges.
Strength in Numbers:
A very important reason for joining the NDCEL is strength in numbers. As an umbrella association, the NDCEL is the only organization in North Dakota devoted to the professional and career development of school administrators who compose the instructional leadership and management teams in our schools. The NDCEL now represents over 600 school administrators who can collectively influence legislation and the decision-making processes on the local, regional, state, and national levels.